The Way I'm Going

Monday, June 7, 2010


What is Flowchart~?

Flowchart? What is that?? So that i go do research and now I understand what is flowchart now. Flowchart starting with a (start) and end up with (end) boxes~. Sure that is more thing in this flowchart, there are many arrows to showing which process that you need to pass through~. Flowchart like our lifestyle (birth->growth->dead) can't run away and don't even think about changing anything. While you set a target to do~what you need to do is just only follow, you cannot change anything that at the begining u have set all the thing~because this is the goal that you want to achieves. This is why flowchart appear, to make sure and clear what we have to do next step or even make a decission through the flowchart. There are different types of flowchart for different users, such as analysts, designers, engineers, managers, or programmers out there.

Why do you want to use flowchart in your mobile interface design & screen interface design~?

Flowchart show me the clear detail and step by step to let me understand more that what process that I pass through. These also let our idea more clear,won't lost direation and confuse when doing something.

How will it help your users to meet the interactive goals?

Message clear, point out, when other people watch finish and won't confuse. That how flowchart help me meet the interactive goals. Beside the flowchart, you also need to explaine what you have done, that is the most important thing.

This is the flowchart that i talking about....

Saturday, June 5, 2010


it is cute??haha~

Thursday, June 3, 2010

fulama~finishing icons assignment~!!!!

finally~1 week icons assignment are gone~rush till me wan dead edi~becasue of 6 icon= =haha~head exploring now~damn...i wan to sleep now...this morning about 5.30 only sleep becasue of icon~but after finish...feel very statisfied on it~haha~night lor~

Friday, May 21, 2010

1st blog~~

Can't imagine i have 1 blog...why?? becasue i'm a lazy person lazy to write this write that...and my english is not good too...but i can't believe that is i spent 1 day to customize mine blog= =...hahaha

clock assignment_kong wai hoong_MM0908-2

Done by me...using CS4 to do it...hehe^^

10 Thing about me~~

1. like to play--->>as playful as monkey to laugh--->> as naughty as a joker
3.easy angry--->>as fast as a lion to eat--->> eat as a rubbish bin and black hole
5like to sporting--->>as strong as an elephant and lion,leopard to made noisy-->>as noisy as a childish
7. sometime very lazy--> as lazy as a hippopotomus
8.kind people-->> as kind as a priest to help other
9.hate lcly people---> as cat hate as mouse~ money-->as poor as a beggar

opps~over 10 edi....never mind straigh away add...designers are always special...^^

11.sometime very crazy---> as carzy as rhinoceros(xi niu) don't know how to explain= =
12.sometime very shy----> as shy as (han xiu cao) english i don't know= =but this question everyone also won't believe de...yes anot?hahaha~

dun noe how to use metaphor to describe de~

13.sensitive in chocolate food~haha
14.ks boy~like to ks people food~
15.finish chicken rice in 5 minutes~haha~add extra rice^^
16.4 bites finish a MCD hamburger
17.cazy at racing game ( in reallife also crazy)but cannot modify my car,because not mine de~T.T
18.cazy with wan tan mee and chicken rice-->from standard 1 till now~haha~won't change anymore...many of my friend call me go marry a wan tan mee gals and chicken rice gals as my wife...haha~

don't know want to write what edi...think till head also wan explode...but still need to write= =
nothing can say about me...when u meet will know how nice is funny i'm...^^