The Way I'm Going

Friday, May 21, 2010

1st blog~~

Can't imagine i have 1 blog...why?? becasue i'm a lazy person lazy to write this write that...and my english is not good too...but i can't believe that is i spent 1 day to customize mine blog= =...hahaha

clock assignment_kong wai hoong_MM0908-2

Done by me...using CS4 to do it...hehe^^

10 Thing about me~~

1. like to play--->>as playful as monkey to laugh--->> as naughty as a joker
3.easy angry--->>as fast as a lion to eat--->> eat as a rubbish bin and black hole
5like to sporting--->>as strong as an elephant and lion,leopard to made noisy-->>as noisy as a childish
7. sometime very lazy--> as lazy as a hippopotomus
8.kind people-->> as kind as a priest to help other
9.hate lcly people---> as cat hate as mouse~ money-->as poor as a beggar

opps~over 10 edi....never mind straigh away add...designers are always special...^^

11.sometime very crazy---> as carzy as rhinoceros(xi niu) don't know how to explain= =
12.sometime very shy----> as shy as (han xiu cao) english i don't know= =but this question everyone also won't believe de...yes anot?hahaha~

dun noe how to use metaphor to describe de~

13.sensitive in chocolate food~haha
14.ks boy~like to ks people food~
15.finish chicken rice in 5 minutes~haha~add extra rice^^
16.4 bites finish a MCD hamburger
17.cazy at racing game ( in reallife also crazy)but cannot modify my car,because not mine de~T.T
18.cazy with wan tan mee and chicken rice-->from standard 1 till now~haha~won't change anymore...many of my friend call me go marry a wan tan mee gals and chicken rice gals as my wife...haha~

don't know want to write what edi...think till head also wan explode...but still need to write= =
nothing can say about me...when u meet will know how nice is funny i'm...^^